Where They've Gone

Over the past ten years CollegeThoughts has been responsible for placing hundreds of students in over 100 colleges nationwide and internationally. Below are just a few colleges we have helped students to reach:

How We Do It

While students that we coach for the SAT generally improve by 200 points and by 6 points on the ACT, we don’t use testing averages as an overall selling point. Many students who come to us for test preparation already have high scores and so we might be helping a student with a 1380 to break 1500 or helping a 28 become a 31. Consequently, if we offered our overall average each year, it might appear that we are not effectively moving the needle when, in actuality, we are helping our students to get the scores that they need to round out their application packages to great colleges across the country.

Letters of Appreciation

May 21, 2024

Lofty, Made Life Size

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to you. In my class, Psychology and the Good Life, we were tasked with writing a letter […]
June 5, 2023

Alexis – Stanford University

During the college process, you were my greatest source of guidance because I could always depend on your honesty and willingness to help at any moment. […]
June 5, 2023

Lily – Cornell University

In preparation for the chemistry subject test, I worked with a tutor from a large, expensive firm. All he managed to do was stress me out […]
June 5, 2023

Gaby – Columbia University

I’m about to start training for work next week and I was reflecting about how much has changed since I first met you, and how I […]
June 5, 2023

Sabrina – Seattle University

You go above and beyond to really get to know the student and their story. To you, our work together isn’t just about an application, but […]

Let Us Help You Today!

CollegeThoughts is the partner that you need to provide your high-achieving student with the tools that they need to increase access to top caliber colleges. Click on the button below and fill out the form to get started on the path to better schools and options.